Sports Physiotherapy
A stronger, more flexible you
It's also about the rider.
Learn what you can do to make your position more comfortable & competitive

Some types of pain are not able to be "fixed" with a bike fit alone
Everyone (well almost everyone) has some imperfections...
a bit tight here, too weak there.
These musculoskeletal issues can:
Contribute to injury
Impair your performance
Prevent you from achieving a competitive or comfortable position on your bike
Contribute to or cause saddle sores

High Performance Musculoskeletal Programs
"I have an F1 bike and want an F1 set-up, but I only have a Corolla body"
Perfect positioning on the bike is just as much about the rider as it is about the bike.
For those interested in achieving at a high performance level, addressing your personal challenges with flexibility, strength & muscle tone is what Sports Physiotherapy is all about. It is proactive care helping you achieve your best & prevent you missing training sessions or races through injury.
This is why David offers personalised assessment & strength programs for cyclists, runners & swimmers. He will target those areas you personally need to work to create a focused high value program. He is happy to work with your strength & conditioning specialist to help you achieve your best performance injury-free.